Under review
Duffy, Paul R. Social Change in the Lower Körös Basin during the Middle Bronze Age. Landscapes of Complexity in Bronze Age Central Europe. Edited by Timothy Earle, Viktória Kiss, Gabriella Kulcsár, and Vajk Szeverényi. Oxbow Books.
Duffy, Paul R., László Paja, Györgyi Parditka and Julia I. Giblin Modeling mortuary populations using systematic field survey. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology. YJAAR_2017_83.
Gyucha, Attila and Paul R. Duffy, Chapter 3: Paleohydrological Reconstruction of the Körös Region. In Bikeri: Two Copper Age villages on the Great Hungarian Plain, edited by W. A. Parkinson, A. Gyucha and R. W. Yerkes. Cotsen Institute Press, Los Angeles.
In Press
Parkinson, William A., Attila Gyucha, Panagiotis Karkanas, Nikos Papadopoulos, Georgia Tsartsidou, Apostolos Sarris, Paul R. Duffy and R. W. Yerkes. A landscape of tells: geophysics and microstratigraphy. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. JASREP_2017_113.
Paja, Lászlo., Duffy, Paul. R., Parditka, Györgyi., & Giblin, Julia. I., Bioanthropological analysis of Békés 103 (Jégvermi-kert, Lipcsei-tanya), a Bronze Age cemetery from southeastern Hungary. Acta Biologica Szegediensis. 60(2): 183-192
Duffy, Paul R. Leadership, Crisis, and Political Change in the Nepeña Valley, Peru. Dissertation Reviews. Feb. 29.
Duffy, Paul R. Site Size Hierarchies in Middle-Range Societies. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology. 37:85-99.
Allentoft, Morten E., Martin Sikora, Karl-Goran Sjogren, Simon Rasmussen, Morten Rasmussen, Jesper Stenderup, Peter B. Damgaard, Hannes Schroeder, Torbjorn Ahlstrom, Lasse Vinner, Anna-Sapfo Malaspinas, Ashot Margaryan, Tom Higham, David Chivall, Niels Lynnerup, Lise Harvig, Justyna Baron, Philippe Della Casa, Pawel Dabrowski, Paul R. Duffy, Alexander V. Ebel, Andrey Epimakhov, Karin Frei, Miroslaw Furmanek, Tomasz Gralak, Andrey Gromov, Stanislaw Gronkiewicz, Gisela Grupe, Tamas Hajdu, Radoslaw Jarysz, Valeri Khartanovich, Alexandr Khokhlov, Viktoria Kiss, Jan Kolar, Aivar Kriiska, Irena Lasak, Cristina Longhi, George McGlynn, Algimantas Merkevicius, Inga Merkyte, Mait Metspalu, Ruzan Mkrtchyan, Vyacheslav Moiseyev, Laszlo Paja, Gyorgy Palfi, Dalia Pokutta, Lukasz Pospieszny, T. Douglas Price, Lehti Saag, Mikhail Sablin, Natalia Shishlina, Vaclav Smrcka, Vasilii I. Soenov, Vajk Szeverenyi, Gusztav Toth, Synaru V. Trifanova, Liivi Varul, Magdolna Vicze, Levon Yepiskoposyan, Vladislav Zhitenev, Ludovic Orlando, Thomas Sicheritz-Ponten, Soren Brunak, Rasmus Nielsen, Kristian Kristiansen and Eske WillerslevAllentoft, Morten E., Martin Sikora, Karl-Goran Sjogren, Simon Rasmussen, Morten Rasmussen, Jesper Stenderup, Peter B. Damgaard, Hannes Schroeder, Torbjorn Ahlstrom, Lasse Vinner, Anna-Sapfo Malaspinas, Ashot Margaryan, Tom Higham, David Chivall, Niels Lynnerup, Lise Harvig, Justyna Baron, Philippe Della Casa, Pawel Dabrowski, Paul R. Duffy, Alexander V. Ebel, Andrey Epimakhov, Karin Frei, Miroslaw Furmanek, Tomasz Gralak, Andrey Gromov, Stanislaw Gronkiewicz, Gisela Grupe, Tamas Hajdu, Radoslaw Jarysz, Valeri Khartanovich, Alexandr Khokhlov, Viktoria Kiss, Jan Kolar, Aivar Kriiska, Irena Lasak, Cristina Longhi, George McGlynn, Algimantas Merkevicius, Inga Merkyte, Mait Metspalu, Ruzan Mkrtchyan, Vyacheslav Moiseyev, Laszlo Paja, Gyorgy Palfi, Dalia Pokutta, Lukasz Pospieszny, T. Douglas Price, Lehti Saag, Mikhail Sablin, Natalia Shishlina, Vaclav Smrcka, Vasilii I. Soenov, Vajk Szeverenyi, Gusztav Toth, Synaru V. Trifanova, Liivi Varul, Magdolna Vicze, Levon Yepiskoposyan, Vladislav Zhitenev, Ludovic Orlando, Thomas Sicheritz-Ponten, Soren Brunak, Rasmus Nielsen, Kristian Kristiansen and Eske Willerslev Population genomics of Bronze Age Eurasia. Nature. 522(7555):167-172.
Gyucha, Attila, Richard W. Yerkes, William A. Parkinson, Nikos Papadopoulos, Apostolos Sarris, Paul R. Duffy, and Roderick B. Salisbury, Settlement Nucleation in the Neolithic: A Preliminary Report of the Körös Regional Archaeological Project’s Investigations at Szeghalom-Kovácshalom and Vésztő-Mágor. In: Neolithic and Copper Age between the Carpathians and the Aegean Sea. Chronologies and Technologies from the 6th to the 4th Millennium BCE. International Workshop Budapest 2012, edited by Svend Hansen, Pál Raczky, Alexandra Anders, and Agathe Reingruber. Archäologie in Eurasien 31. Verlag Dr. Rudolf Habelt, Bonn, pp. 129-142.
Duffy, Paul R. Complexity and Autonomy in Bronze Age Europe: assessing cultural developments in Eastern Hungary. Prehistoric Research in the Körös Region, Volume 1. Archaeolingua, Budapest.
Duffy, Paul R., Györgyi Parditka, Julia I. Giblin, László Paja, and Roderick B. Salisbury. Discovering Mortuary Practices in the Körös River Basin, Hungary [Temetkezési szokások kutatása a Körös-Völgyben]. Hungarian Archaeology E-Journal / Magyar Régészet Online Magazin, Autumn. http://www.hungarianarchaeology.hu/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/eng_duffy_14O.pdf.
Ullah, Isaac I., Paul R. Duffy, and Edward B. Banning. “Modernizing spatial micro-refuse analysis: new methods for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting the spatial patterning of micro-refuse from house-floor contexts.” Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory. 21:1-25.
Papadopoulos, Nikos G., Apostolos Sarris, William A. Parkinson, Attila Gyucha, Richard W. Yerkes, Paul R. Duffy and Panagiotis Tsourlos. “Electrical Resistivity Tomography for the Modelling of Cultural Deposits and Geomorphological Landscapes at Neolithic Sites: a Case Study from Southeastern Hungary.” 21:169-183.
Spence-Morrow, G., Paul. R. Duffy and Lauren Tosti. Virtually There: Offsite georectified photogrammetric processing as onsite strategic excavation resource, Proceedings of the Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies, 2013, Vienna. http://www.chnt.at/wp-content/uploads/Spence-Morrow_etal_2014.pdf.
Gyucha, Attila, Paul R. Duffy, and William A. Parkinson. Prehistoric human-environmental interactions on the Great Hungarian Plain. Anthropologie. LI/2:157-168.
Duffy, Paul R., William A. Parkinson, Attila Gyucha and R. W. Yerkes. “Coming Together, Falling Apart: A Multi-Scalar Approach to Prehistoric Aggregation and Interaction on the Great Hungarian Plain,” p. 44-62. In From Prehistoric Villages to Cities: Settlement Aggregation and Community Transformation. Edited by J. Birch. Routledge, New York.
Sarris, Apostolis, Nikos Papadopoulos, Athos Agapiou, Maria Cristina Salvi, Diofantos G. Hadjimitsis, William A. Parkinson, Richard W. Yerkes, Attila Gyucha and Paul R. Duffy. “Fusion of geophysical surveys, ground hyperspectral measurements, aerial and satellite imagery for archaeological prospection of Neolithic sites: the case study of Vésztő-Mágor Tell, Hungary.” Journal of Archaeological Science 40:1454-1470.
Gyucha, Attila, Paul R. Duffy and Tod Frolking. “The Körös Basin from the Neolithic to the Hapsburgs: Linking Settlement Distributions with Pre-Regulation Hydrology Through Multiple Data Set Overlay.” Geoarchaeology 26(3):293-419.
Duffy, Paul R. Complexity and Autonomy in Bronze Age Europe: Assessing Cultural Developments in the Eastern Hungary. Ph.D. thesis, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
Duffy, Paul R. “A Körös vidék bronzkori tell-társadalmai.” [Bronze Age tell societies of the Körös region], p. 107-149. In Körös-menti évezredek. Régészeti ökológiai és településtörténeti kutatások a Körös-vidéken. Edited by Emília Martyin and Gergely Bóka. Gyulai katalógusok, no. 13. Erkel Ferec Múzeum, Gyula.
Gyucha, Attila and Paul R. Duffy.‘A Körös-vidék holocén kori vízrajza.’ [Holocene hydrology of the Körös area], p. 11-40. In Körös-menti évezredek. Régészeti ökológiai és településtörténeti kutatások a Körös-vidéken. [Research on the Settlement Ecology and History of the Körös Region over the Millennia] Edited by Emília Martyin and Gergely Bóka. Gyulai katalógusok, no. 13. Erkel Ferec Múzeum, Gyula.
Parkinson, William A. and Paul R. Duffy. “Fortifications and Enclosures in European Prehistory: A Cross-Cultural Perspective.” Journal of Archaeological Research 15(2):97-141.